20 things you probably don't know about me
Hi there, fellas! Today, I thought to share with you on some facts about myself (: (: (: I'm used to be weird and lil' bit mysterious but now I want to dislodge myself from shyness and I've never done this before, so here it goes! A little late but better than never right? lol 1) I have a younger sister Most people and my friends would often think that i'm the only one daughter in our family because i never post up many pictures with my sister before. She is 25 years old and frankly speaking, she's more introvert than me. But, she's more smarter in terms of information technology (yay, hehehe). Yup, with such age gap, we're not really as close to each other as most siblings are. But definitely, she's my favorite, an ally, and such a sweet buddy (not just a sister sa balay). Love her more now.*wink* 2) I'm a major music lover When I feel that our crib...