Quick Escape & Hike: Budlaan Untold Tales

When you know people who are passionate and driven to hiking and climbing, there's no other way out but say yes. This seemed to be the cause of why my newbie bukid buddy had to be with me on the journey to Budlaan River Trekking one fine, quite sunny day of November 12. We don't really planned it but perhaps, a day off and a break from all the stresses at work could be a common reason why she needed to be out from the metropolis. Apparently, the itinerary went well even though we just communicated through chat a night before that day. Actually, it was one of my goal on my birthmonth (to finally pursue someone to get out from the reality) harharhar. :D My goal was to trek again with someone I could share with my experiences or the life I had encountered in the boondocks. Thankfully, it was memorable though we don't have much time. Very thankful also because the weather was nice and favorable to us. We were panting, our breaths uneven, maybe because we lack e...