My goal for this week

It’s the 3rd week of June and I’m setting an intention for the seven days ahead of me. My goal for this week is to be more positive. I’ve been realizing lately that I use this blog as a means to vent. Which, I’m totally okay with. I’m a firm believer that life is messy and that sharing the negative pieces are just as important as sharing the positive. I’ve come to the realization though, that I need to share more of the positive. So, that’s my goal for this week. I’m going to do everything that I can to be more positive. I want to think more positively and I want to look at the world in a better light. Venting is healthy. It absolutely is. I vent a lot and I welcome other’s who vent as well, because I believe in being real. But in being real, I need to look at the world in a more positive light. It’s something I definitely struggle with, and since the good is out there, I need to make more of an effort to acknowledge it and appreciate it.